EMX D-TEK Loop Detector Box for Gate and Traffic Control
EMX D-TEK Loop Detector for Gate and Traffic Control
The EMX allows for easy installation into small operator housings.
All the controls must be accessible for easy installation and operation.
Detector must operate reliably with with marginal loops.Provide all the feature and controls necessary for a variety of applications.
Use for layer board for maximum durablility and RF blocking.
Provide maximum surge protection on all inputs and outputs of the detector.
The D-TEK vehicle loop detector was designed for easy installation and operation. It
provides maximum surge protection on all inputs and outputs of the detector.
Benefits include:
Easy installation
Works with small operator housings
Operates reliably with marginal loops
Metal housing provides maximum durability and RF blocking
Array of features and controls supports variety of applications.
Surge protection
Spec Sheet
EMX D-TEK Loop Detector for Gate and Traffic Control - 12V AC/ DC -- $103.95
EMX D-TEK Loop Detector for Gate and Traffic Control - 110V -- $103.95
EMX D-TEK Loop Detector for Gate and Traffic Control - 24V AC -- $103.95
EMX D-TEK Loop Detector for Gate and Traffic Control - 24V DC -- $103.95

EMX D-TEK Loop Detector for Gate and Traffic Control - 220V -- $103.95

EMX D_TEK Loop Detector
POWER: The detector is available in the following voltages, 12V AC/DC, 24V AC, 24V DC,
110V AC, 220V AC. Maximum current draw 100mA
LOW POWER Detector is available with maximum current draw of 60mA
TEMPERATURE: -40F to + 180F
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Circuit board is conformally coated
ENCLOSURE: Extruded anodized aluminum,
Height = 3.25 inches 83 mm – Width = 2.56 inches 40 mm – Depth = 3.65 inches 90 mm
OUTPUT RELAYS: 5A/125 V AC standard version, 1A/125 V AC low current version
CONNECTOR: 86CP11 compatible with 11pin Octal DIN rail mountable socket or wire harness
SURGE PROTECTION: The detector is protected with neon discharge lamps, zenner diods and surge arrestors
LOOP INPUT: Transformer isolated
GROUNDED LOOP: The loop isolation transformer allows operation with poor quality loops
LOOP INDUCTANCE RANGE: 20 to 2000 microhenries with Q factor of 5 or higher
TUNING: Detector automatically tunes to the loop after power application or reset
TRACKING: Detector automatically tracks and compensates for environmental changes
POWER INDICATOR: Green LED solid light indicates power
LOOP FAILURE INDICATOR: Green LED blinks indicates loop problem
LOOP FAILURE MEMORY: Green LED blinks with fast consecutive blinks indicates past loop problem that healed
DETECT INDICATOR: Red LED solid light indicates detection
EXTEND INDICATOR: Red LED blinks after a car left the loop indicates time extend feature
SENSITIVITY: Is set by 10 position rotary switch
FREQUENCY: Is set three position toggle switch
INFINITE PRESENCE MODE: DIP switch selectable presence
LIMITED 4 MINUTES: DIP switch selectable presence
PRESENCE TIME: DIP switch selectable
SECOND PRESENCE RELAY: DIP switch selectable
PULSE ON EXIT / ENTRY: DIP switch selectable
FAIL SAFE / SECURE: DIP switch selectable
FILTER: DIP switch selectable 2 seconds
EXTENDED DETECTION: DIP switch selectable 3, 6 and 9 seconds