Allstar RS4000 Opener, Allstar Residential Swing Gate Opener with 220V

Allstar TWIST'R PLUS Swing Gate Operator and
Openers Model RS 4000
Maximum Gate Length 16 Feet.
Maximum Gate Weight: 300 Pounds.
Pedestal or post mounting minimizes the pad
required, while under-the-housing gate arm
allows a completely weather-resistant system.
Allstar RS4000 Residential Swing Gate Opener 220V -- $949.00

Allstar RS4000 Residential Swing Gate Opener 115V -- $869.00

Spec Sheet
Note: The Per UL325-2016 all gate operators sold in the USA after February 2016 will be required to have a monitored safety photo cell to prevent accidental crushing or entrapment.
Compatible photo cell More Information here
Allstar TWIST'R PLUS Swing Gate Operator-
Maximum Gate Length 16 Feet.
Maximum Gate Weight: 300 Pounds.
CGA2K™ Technology
UL325 & UL991 Listed
Durable, Architecturally Designed Weather-
Resistant Cover
Poly-Vee Belt Final Drive with Adjustable-Torque
Radial-Swing Limit Switches
Built-In Maximum Run Timer for Added Safety
Built-In Adjustable Auto-Close Timer
Built-In Master/Slave Capability
Allstar Gate Openers or Operators
CGA2K™ Technology
Standard Features UL325 & 991 Listed
Selectable Control by an Additional Operator
Adjustable Auto-Close Timer (off, 2-60 seconds)
Self-Adjusting Maximum Run Timer
Factory Installed MVP Radio Receiver
Separate Inputs for: Access Control Devices
(Pushbuttons, Radio Controls, Entry Systems
and Loop Detectors)
Non-Contact Anti-Entrapment Sensors
Contact Anti-Entrapment Sensors (Electric
The Allstar Twist’R Plus (Model RS4000) Vehicular Gate
Operator - Openers will provide convenience and
assurance to the ultimate users for many years. It is
ruggedly built of the finest materials and has been
thoroughly inspected and tested at the factory. It has
many features that will aid in the installation and testing
of the complete gate system. The RS4000 has been
designed and built to comply with the UL325 Standard
For Safety.
The Allstar RS4000 Vehicular Swing Gate Openers or
Operators is designated a Class I Vehicular Swing Gate
Operator, and is intended to operate a vehicular swing
gate installed on a residential home, maximum of four
single families in the dwelling, or a garage or parking
area associated
with that home, or a similar location with respect to the
cycle usage (see below). Gate operators are also
manufactured for the three other Class designations (as
defined by UL325); Class II (high cycle usage commercial
location or multi-family home); Class III (Industrial
location not intended to service the general public); and
Class IV (secure or restricted access locations, ie.
airports and prisons).
The RS4000 operator cycle usage
is rated at a maximum of 10 cycles per hour, 50 cycles
maximum per day. Because the RS4000 (as well as gate
operators sold by other manufacturers) is designed to
start and move gates weighing as much as 300 pounds
and 16 feet in length. As such, the RS4000 is capable of
producing high levels of force. It is important in the
design of the total gate system that designers, installers
and users be aware of the hazards that may be
associated with the IMPROPER design, installation and
use of Vehicular Gate systems and Gate Operators.
The gate operator is only one part of a complete
automatic gate operating system. As each location and
usage is different, a properly designed system will
include all applicable safety enhancement devices
Radio Control Transmitters
Powder Painted Steel Mounting Pedestal
Standby Power Supply (battery backup)
Electric Edges