EMX 101 Sensor Probe Sensativity Adjustment offered in Different Volatge 12V AC/DC, 24V AC/DC, 120 AC, 240V AC Exit Detector

Spec Sheet
Sensing probe is buried in the ground so it is not noticed. Has all the controls and indicators mounted on the front panel of the unit providing for easy access and operation.
Has wide power supply options and it can be ordered in 12V AC/DC, 24V AC or DC, 120 AC, 240V AC. Low current consuption makes it excellent choice for solar power applications. Sensativity Adjustment
Regular Price: $299.00
Our Price: $243.00
EMX Sensor Probe Carsense 101 - Complete Set - 200 feet-- $243.00
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EMX Carsense 101 Module Only - $129.00
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EMX Carsense 101 Outdoor Buried Driveway Alert Sensor
The Carsense 101 motion detector has a sensing probe that is buried in the ground so it is not noticed by potential
intruders or vandals. It is housed in a small, relay-type housing making it easy to integrate with security control boards,
gate and door operators.
The Carsense 101 provides a solution for many vehicle detection challenges. Where safety is an issue, the Carsense
101 detects moving vehicles in an industrial environment where there are blind areas along the driving path and actuates
warning lights.
Where security is an issue, the Carsense 101 detects approaching vehicles or an unauthorized movement of a parked
vehicle and actuates alarms, video cameras or annunciator.
For access control applications requiring free exit, the Carsense 101 detects vehicles for gates, overhead doors and
parking barriers.
Benefits include:
Easy to use and install
Easy upgrade or switch out to new devices
Wide power supply options
Energy conservation
Controls and indicators are mounted on the front panel, providing easy access and operation
Available in 12V AC/DC, 24V AC or DC, 120 AC, 240V AC
Low current consumption makes it excellent choice for solar power applications.
Housed in a small, relay-type housing
Excellent choice for solar power applications
Surge protection